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Innovation Investors


Then why not complete a submission form and have the opportunity to pitch your idea to our Innovation Investors!!
In true “Dragon’s Den” style, you will be given the opportunity to present your idea to a panel of “Innovation Investors” made up of senior leaders from across the organisation whose experience, skills and knowledge are best matched to your idea.  Hopefully, you will be able to gain their support to bring your idea to life.
During your pitch, you will need to “sell” your idea to the panel and request their support in either their time or financial assistance to implement your innovative idea.  We have funding from HEE (Health Education England) that can be used to support these innovative ideas and this is also an opportunity for staff to pitch their ideas for cost savings for the trust.
After you have delivered your pitch, the “Innovation Investors” will have the opportunity to ask you questions such as how you plan to deliver your idea, what the benefits are to the Trust or how it will improve the patient experience, before making an offer of support.  You can then decide to either accept, reject or negotiate on any offers that you receive.
Applications for our 2023 Innovation Investors Scheme are open from 12th April 2023 until 31st May 2023.
The Innovation Investors will meet during June 2023 and everyone who has submitted a proposal will be invited to attend their own individual Innovation Investors Panel.
Please click here​ to download the submission form.
All completed submission forms must be emailed to before the closing date of midnight on 31st May 2023.