The Dudley Group has been given the seal of approval and awarded a ‘Green’ governance risk rating by the foundation trust regulator Monitor.
The rating boost comes after making improvements to the Trust’s financial position.
Chief Executive Paula Clark said, “We’ve worked really hard over the last 12 months to improve the care and services we offer our patients whilst also working closely with Monitor to get back in control of our finances.

Chief Executive Paula Clark is “thrilled” that the Trust has been awarded a ‘Green’ rating
“We are thrilled that we have now been awarded a ‘Green’ rating which should give assurance to our patients that we are a well-run healthcare provider with a sustainable future.
“We were faced with a challenging financial task but looked at spending across the board and I’m pleased to say we have been able to reduce our deficit from £8m at the end of 2014/15 to just £3.1m forecasted for the end of this financial year. We expect to break even, or better, by the end of next year.
“At the same time, we’ve made amazing progress in our achievement of the four-hour A&E standard, which means our emergency patients are now seen more quickly and by the appropriate teams. In fact, we’ve been amongst the best and even in the top ten nationally a number of times over last 12 months”
Commenting on its decision to issue a ‘statement of compliance’ in recognition of The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust’s improved finances, Frances Shattock, Regional Director at Monitor, said, “We are pleased that, after working with us, Dudley has been able to improve its finances for the benefit of patients.

Monitor is the independent regulator of foundation trusts
“The trust’s staff have worked very hard and quickly at turning around its finances during a period when the NHS has been under significant financial pressure. Dudley’s improvement is an example for the wider NHS as it shows that it is possible for a care provider to move from deficit and poor financial performance to a financially viable trust.
“We are also pleased to see that Dudley has recognised that working more closely with other local NHS organisations can bring considerable benefits for patients and the trust.”