Patients and relatives at The Dudley Group were treated to a cup of tea and a slice of cake to mark Nutrition & Hydration Week’s ‘Worldwide Afternoon Tea’
Wednesday 16th March saw afternoon tea celebrated around the world in health and social care settings to raise awareness about improving nutritional intake.
Ward teams across Russells Hall Hospital decorated their tea trolleys in a spring theme and held the tea party to show that nutrition and hydration is an important part of quality care and patient experience.
Matron Jenny Davies, who organised the event, said, “It is fantastic to be able to treat our patients and their relatives to a cup of tea and a slice of cake for Nutrition & Hydration Week as nutritional care is so important for our patients.
The cakes were kindly donated by ASDA, Tesco Burnt Tree Island, Sainsbury’s Merry Hill and support from our PFI partners Interserve.
“The tea parties wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of our sponsors,” added Jenny.
Staff also had the chance to test their baking skills by taking part in a cake competition to raise money for the Trust charity to purchase nutritional aids for patients.

Lead nurses Leanne Mann and Sarah Causer serve tea and cakes to patients on Ward C3 with matron Rachel Tomkins