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Urology is the field of medicine that focuses on disease of the urinary tract and urogenital system. Urology focuses on the kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, male reproductive organs and male fertility. Urologists are also trained in the surgical and medical treatment of diseases that affect these organs.

The urology service is located across all hospital sites, Russells Hall Hospital, Guest Outpatient Centre and Corbett Outpatient Centre. The urology inpatient services are situated on ward C6 (second floor) at Russells Hall Hospital.

Some of the services we offer include:

  • Flow clinics (investigations of lower urinary tract problems)
  • Flexible Cystoscopy (camera into the bladder)
  • Urodynamics (complex investigations of lower urinary tract problems)
  • Catheterisation
  • Blood tests
  • Rapid access prostate clinics
  • Prostate biopsies
  • Bladder biopsies
  • Prostate resection surgery
  • Bladder tumour resections
  • BCG (chemical solution into the bladder for bladder cancer)
  • Circumcision (removal of the foreskin)
  • Stent insertion
  • Removal of bladder stones (cystolitholapaxy)
  • Adult plastic surgery to men for hypospadias
  • Urethral strictures and penile deformity
  • Hormone therapy
  • Management of Haematuria (blood in the urine)
  • Nephrectomies (removal of kidney)

Russells Hall Hospital is part of a large cancer network involving other hospital trusts. Sometimes, when a patient is diagnosed with cancer, it may be more appropriate for them to be treated in another trust.

For example, Radical Cystectomy (bladder removal) and Radical Prostatectomy (prostate removal) patients are referred to The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (New Cross Hospital) in Wolverhampton, following a discussion at a urology multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting.


The team


The urology team consists of:

Mr A Abedin: Urology consultant: (Secretary: 01384 456111 ext. 2142)

Mr P Anderson: Urology consultant: (Secretary: 01384 456111 ext. 2203)

Mr S A Shahzad: Urology consultant (Secretary: 01384 456111 ext. 2201)

Mr S Ubee: Urology consultant: (Secretary: 01384 456111 ext. 2870)

Mr A Shafik: Urology consultant (Secretary: 01384 456111 ext. 3419)

Mr M Lancashire: Urology consultant (Secretary: 01384 456111 ext. 2871)


Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) (Key workers)

Caroline Roberts: Lead nurse in Urology (Secretary to all of the CNS team: 01384 456111 ext. 2873)

Michelle Humphries: Rapid access/Urology

Sally Allison: Stones/Urology

Tracey King: Kidney/Urology

Julia Morse: Bladder

Maria Hickman: Kidney/Urology

TBC: Person Centred Follow-up (PCFU) Prostate Support Worker


Urology cancers

Prostate Cancer Living Well With and Beyond Cancer Clinic

All patients diagnosed with Prostate Cancer are booked on to a Prostate cancer living well with and beyond cancer clinic.

All patients with a cancer diagnosis are also invited to attend a General Health and Well Being Clinic which discusses the following:

This is an opportunity to attend an informative group session discussing Prostate Cancer. Patients are welcome to bring a friend/relative along. Your Clinical nurse specialist (CNS) will discuss this with you when you receive your test results and have a confirmed diagnosis of Prostate Cancer.  An appointment will be booked for you to attend.

Both sessions are based at Russells Hall Hospital and are education and information events. The General health and wellbeing clinic is 9am – 11.30am and the Prostate Health and Wellbeing Clinic will last for one hour. People who are living with cancer, and those who have had cancer, often have specific support needs. If these needs are not addressed, it can damage their long-term prognosis and their ability to lead an active and healthy life. These needs can include information about treatment and care options, psychological support, advice about financial assistance and support in managing their condition themselves. Your CNS will discuss this with you and you will receive an appointment to attend.

People who are living with cancer, and those who have had cancer, often have specific support needs. If these needs are not addressed, it can damage their long-term prognosis and their ability to lead an active and healthy life. These needs can include information about treatment and care options, psychological support, advice about financial assistance and support in managing their condition themselves.

Carers also play a vital role in supporting people with cancer and it is important that their needs for information, advice and support are addressed. Addressing all of these needs is central to the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI), which is coordinating efforts to improve the quality of services available to people affected by cancer. Although there have been significant improvements in support for people living with and beyond cancer, more needs to be done so that cancer survivors have the care and support they need to live as healthy a life as possible, for as long as possible.

Health and Wellbeing Clinics are a Macmillan Cancer Support development as part of its survivorship work. Their aim is that everyone who has had a cancer diagnosis and is living with cancer, will have access to a Health and Well Being Clinic that will provide the support they need to enable them to lead as normal a life as possible.

The clinics support people around the end of cancer treatment with the transition between the treatment phase of their care and survivorship.

What are the benefits of the clinic?

It enables people living with Prostate Cancer, and their families, to manage the effects of their illness by giving them the necessary information and promoting positive lifestyle changes.

Who are they for?

They are for people who are living with Prostate Cancer. A clinical nurse specialist who specialises in Prostate Cancer will be at the event.

What will I gain?

Each session is delivered by a clinician with expertise in that field. Topics being covered include:

  • Prostate disease and treatment options
  • Continence needs and pelvic floor exercises
  • Erectile dysfunction treatment options
  • Diet and nutrition: Eating for prostate cancer
  • Question and answers

Where are they held?

They are held at Russells Hall Hospital in the Clinical Education Centre in South Block. The sessions last about one hour and follow on from the general survivorship sessions. We encourage patients to attend both sessions either on the same day or as separate appointments. Patients have the opportunity to attend pre and post treatment.


Due to Covid-19, face to face sessions are on hold due to Government Guidelines regarding group gatherings and social distancing. We are currently updating our website so patients who are diagnosed with Prostate Cancer will still receive this information. Please contact your clinical nurse specialist team if you have any concerns: 01384 456111 extensions 2873.

Below are three PowerPoint presentations you can watch in the comfort of your own home. Please click on each one and work through the slides. If you have any questions please contact your clinical nurse specialist. 


Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are usually found in the kidneys or in the ureter, the tube that connects the kidneys to your bladder. They can be extremely painful, and can lead to kidney infections or the kidney not working properly if left untreated.








Symptoms of kidney stones

You may not notice if you have small kidney stones. You’ll usually pee them out without any discomfort. Larger kidney stones can cause several symptoms, including:

  • Pain in the side of your tummy (abdomen)
  • Severe pain that comes and goes
  • Feeling sick or vomiting

 What causes kidney stones?

Waste products in the blood can occasionally form crystals that collect inside the kidneys. Over time, the crystals may build up to form a hard stone-like lump. This is more likely to happen if you:

  • Do not drink enough fluids
  • Are taking some types of medication
  • Have a medical condition that raises the levels of certain substances in your urine

Treatment & prevention

Most kidney stones are small enough to be passed out in your pee and can probably be treated at home. But even small kidney stones can be painful, although the pain usually only lasts a couple of days and disappears when these stones have cleared. To ease your symptoms, your GP might recommend:

  • Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day
  • Painkillers, like ibuprofen
  • Anti-sickness medicine
  • Alpha-blockers (medicines to help stones pass)

You might be advised to drink up to 3 litres (5.2 pints) of fluid throughout the day, every day, until the stones have cleared. To help your stones pass:

  • Drink water, but drinks like tea and coffee also count
  • Add fresh lemon juice to your water
  • Avoid fizzy drinks
  • Do not eat too much salt

If your kidney stones are too big to be passed naturally, they’re usually removed by surgery. The main types of surgery for removing kidney stones are:

  • Shockwave lithotripsy (SWL)
  • Ureteroscopy
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL)

Your type of surgery will depend on the size and location of your stones.  Ways to reduce your risk of further stones:

  • Increase your daily fluid intake. It best to drink tap water and drink enough to produce a urine output of 2-2.5 litres (4-5 pints) per day
  • Reducing your intake of animal protein (especially meat)
  • Reducing the amount of refined sugar in your diet
  • Reducing your salt intake.

Below you will find some useful information regarding kidney stones. You can navigate your way around this website in your own time.

BAUS (British Association of Urological Surgeons)

Kidney Stones – Diet Sheet


Key staff

Patient information leaflets

Useful information

This service is available at:

  • Corbett Hospital Outpatient Centre
  • Russells Hall Hospital

Where to find us

  • Waiting area D, Corbett Hospital Outpatient Centre
  • Ward C6, second floor, west wing, Russells Hall Hospital

Telephone numbers

  • Corbett Outpatient Centre: 01384 456111 ext. 4937
  • Russells Hall Hospital: 01384 456111 ext. 2282

Service details

Clinical directorate

  • Surgery, vascular surgery and urology

Management team

  • Mr Mushtaq Ahmed
    Clinical director
  • Mr Asad Abedin
    Medical service head

Nursing leads

  • Catherine Whorton