The Oak Clinic HIV Care
Russells Hall Hospital, North Wing 1st floor.
The Oak Clinic is a friendly, comprehensive service that provides world class care, advice and information for those living with HIV.
We provide a confidential, non-judgemental service focusing on ‘person-centred’ care, integrating and co-ordinating diverse elements of a person’s healthcare needs with a clear focus to maintain good health .
Our service is open-access, which means you do not need to be referred to the clinic by a GP or other healthcare professional.
No information will be shared about you without your explicit consent.
Services include:
Morning and afternoon clinics, a mix of both face to face and telephone consultations provided by specialist consultants and experienced specialist nurses.
Monday evening Nurse led clinics
Emergency walk-in appointments
Phlebotomy only clinics
Medication and Adherence
Referral pathways and links to other hospital specialties
accessed by the patient
Other services include:
Lifestyle and Wellbeing Clinics
During opening times the Oak Clinic can be contacted on 01384 456111 ext. 3919
Opening Times:
Monday 9.00am-7pm
Tuesday 9.00am-5pm
Wednesday 9.00am-5.00pm
Thursday 9.00am-5.00pm
Friday 09.00-1pm
Useful links:
aidsmap | aidsmap
The European AIDS Clinical Society
HIV i-Base
British HIV Association
Positively Women
Positive Website
Terence Higgins Trust
The Beehive Project at the What? Centre Dudley
Contraception and sexual health
Healthy Lifestyles