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The Oak Clinic – HIV care

The Oak Clinic HIV Care

Russells Hall Hospital, North Wing 1st floor.

The Oak Clinic is a friendly, comprehensive service that provides world class care, advice and information for those living with HIV.

We provide a confidential, non-judgemental service focusing on ‘person-centred’ care, integrating and co-ordinating diverse elements of a person’s healthcare needs with a clear focus to maintain good health .


Our service is open-access, which means you do not need to be referred to the clinic by a GP or other healthcare professional.

No information will be shared about you without your explicit consent.


Services include: 

Morning and afternoon clinics, a mix of both face to face and telephone consultations provided by specialist consultants and experienced specialist nurses.

Monday evening Nurse led clinics

Emergency walk-in appointments

Phlebotomy only clinics

Medication and Adherence

Referral pathways and links to other hospital specialties
accessed by the patient


Other services include:

Lifestyle and Wellbeing Clinics



During opening times the Oak Clinic can be contacted on 01384 456111 ext. 3919

Opening Times:

Monday 9.00am-7pm

Tuesday 9.00am-5pm

Wednesday 9.00am-5.00pm

Thursday 9.00am-5.00pm

Friday 09.00-1pm


Useful links:


aidsmap | aidsmap
The European AIDS Clinical Society
HIV i-Base
British HIV Association
Positively Women
Positive Website
Terence Higgins Trust
The Beehive Project at the What? Centre Dudley

Contraception and sexual health

Healthy Lifestyles

Lets Get Healthy Dudley



Key staff

Useful information

This service is available at:

  • Russells Hall Hospital

Where to find us

  • North wing, Russells Hall Hospital

Telephone numbers

  • (01384) 456111 (ext. 3919) (Russells Hall Hospital)

Service details

Clinical directorate

  • Ambulatory and Community Care