On 12 November 2019, the Trust carried out its annual national Patient-Led Assessment of the Care Environment (PLACE) inspection.
The assessments were updated in 2019 following a national review and assesses what is most important to our patients:
- How clean the environments are
- The condition, inside and out, of the building
- How well the building meets the needs of those who use it
- The quality and availability of food and drink
- How well the environment supports; people’s privacy, dignity and wellbeing, those living with dementia and people living with a disability
The assessment team is made up of a combination of the organisation’s staff assessors and patient representatives, with patient representatives making up 50 per cent of the assessment team. The patient representatives included members of the local healthwatch team, local college students, Trust governors, clinical commissioning group (CCG) etc.
Data has been input in to the central database and the Trust’s scores are expected to be available within the first quarter of 2020. As a Trust we will be able to assess our scores against the national average and also our neighbouring Trusts. The Trust is already developing actions plans in order to make the environment better for our patients based on the areas assessed.
You can find more information about PLACE assessments here.