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30th September 2019 - Press Releases and Statements, Uncategorized
Music from a steel band helped staff at Russells Hall Hospital kick off their celebrations for Black History Month.
11th September 2019 - Uncategorized
Staff at Russells Hall Hospital are taking part in a fire training exercise on Saturday 14th September 2019. The exercise is not real and there is no need for patients or the public to worry.
14th August 2019 - Uncategorized
At the end of June 2019, figures from NHS England showed that we had the third best performance in the country against the national Referral to Treatment (RTT) target for waiting times compared to other acute trusts. The standard is for 92% of elective patients to be treated within 18 weeks of referral by a GP.
2nd August 2019 - Press Releases and Statements, Uncategorized
Emergency staff at Russells Hall Hospital are taking part in a decontamination training exercise on Tuesday 13th August 2019. The exercise is not real and there is no need for patients or the public to worry.
10th June 2019 - Hot Topics, Uncategorized
You are invited to attend our Annual Members’ Meeting on Thursday 18th July 2019, to find out how our Trust has performed in the last year. Take a look at our future plans and meet the governors.
The event will also include a health fair showcasing some of our services. It takes place in the Clinical Education Centre at Russells Hall Hospital from 4-7pm (registration from 3.30pm).