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News archive - Press Releases and Statements

Image for Trust staff awarded for making a difference to patients’ lives
Trust staff awarded for making a difference to patients’ lives

16th September 2011 - Press Releases and Statements

Patients an colleagues at The Dudley Group of Hospitals have praised hospital and community staff for their hard work and dedication at an awards ceremony hosted by Heart FM Breakfast Show presenter Ed James.

Image for Trust champions patients with diabetes to improve their care
Trust champions patients with diabetes to improve their care

23rd August 2011 - Press Releases and Statements

A group of diabetes champions have been enrolled from medical staff at The Dudley Group of Hospitals to help improve the care of patients with diabetes during their stay in hospital.

Image for Audit findings help transform diabetes care in Dudley
Audit findings help transform diabetes care in Dudley

15th August 2011 - Press Releases and Statements

Care for people in Dudley with diabetes staying at Russells Hall Hospital has improved in the last year thanks to a newly expanded diabetes team and new ways of working.

Image for Trust’s Finance manager wins national award
Trust’s Finance manager wins national award

5th August 2011 - Press Releases and Statements

A finance manager at The Dudley Group of Hospitals has picked up a national award for developing future leaders as part of an NHS management training scheme.

Image for Trust’s dramatic drop in numbers of patients who develop pressure ulcers
Trust’s dramatic drop in numbers of patients who develop pressure ulcers

28th July 2011 - Press Releases and Statements

The Dudley Group is delighted to report a 45 per cent drop in the numbers of patients who develop pressure ulcers while they are in hospital.