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News archive - Press Releases and Statements

Image for A&E Department trail scheme launched today
A&E Department trail scheme launched today

13th February 2013 - Press Releases and Statements

One in eight of patients attending Russells Hall Emergency Department could be seen by their GP or pharmacy after research found that many attendees should not be there.

Image for Russells Hall Accident and Emergency appeal for funds to refurnish relative room
Russells Hall Accident and Emergency appeal for funds to refurnish relative room

13th January 2013 - Press Releases and Statements

Accident and Emergency staff are looking for kind hearted people to generously give money to refurnish the relatives’ room at Russells Hall Hospital.

Image for Dudley nurse shortlisted for Sister of the Year Award
Dudley nurse shortlisted for Sister of the Year Award

13th December 2012 - Press Releases and Statements

The Dudley Group are celebrating one of their nurses being shortlisted for a national prestigious award.

Image for The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust takes to Twitter to encourage the public to choose well
The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust takes to Twitter to encourage the public to choose well

12th December 2012 - Press Releases and Statements

The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust will be taking part in a national Tweet-a-thon on Wednesday 12th December featuring live tweets from Accident and Emergency to give a real time snap shot into the incidents that doctors and nurses face in the department.

Image for Trust and Triathlon England hook up to get staff fit and raise money for hospital charity
Trust and Triathlon England hook up to get staff fit and raise money for hospital charity

13th November 2012 - Press Releases and Statements

The Dudley Trust is teaming up with Triathlon England to deliver expert Triathlon fitness coaching to hospital staff and their friends and families.