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20th March 2023 - Press Releases and Statements
A surgeon and his theatre team at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust has performed his first procedure using a surgical robot on a patient at Russells Hall Hospital.
9th March 2023 - Press Releases and Statements
A Halesowen accountancy firm has raised over £3,000 for a hospital charity’s baby bereavement campaign to improve the environment in which families spend time adjusting to the death of their baby.
2nd March 2023 - Press Releases and Statements
Waldrons Solicitors are offering a free will writing service in March in exchange for a donation to the Dudley Group NHS Charity.
Their Will Campaign be running from 6th to 10th March and appointments are now bookable. During the week, Waldrons write wills for their clients free of charge who, in turn, donate to the Trust’s Charity.
24th February 2023 - Press Releases and Statements
The Dudley Group NHS Charity is putting a call out to local runners who may be interested in running this year’s London Marathon by joining their virtual team.
15th February 2023 - Press Releases and Statements
To improve its service to the community, the Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust has invested £1 million in a state-of-the-art robotic hybrid operating theatre, the first of its kind in the region.