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News archive - Hot Topics

Image for NHS Change Day: Let’s make a change!
NHS Change Day: Let’s make a change!

11th March 2015 - Hot Topics

Wednesday 11th March is NHS Change Day.

Here at The Dudley Group we are passionate about making a change for the better. The idea behind NHS Change day is lots of people across the NHS making a pledge to make the NHS even better. Lots of small actions will result in big changes for the NHS as a whole.

Image for Nurse wins award for tissue viability
Nurse wins award for tissue viability

23rd December 2014 - Hot Topics

A Dudley clinical nurse specialist has picked up a national award for her presentation on the Trust’s move to static air mattresses.

Image for ‘Made to be One’ launches at Russells Hall Hospital
‘Made to be One’ launches at Russells Hall Hospital

19th December 2014 - Hot Topics

The Dudley Group's chaplaincy service welcomed the Bishop of Dudley and local faith leaders to Russells Hall Hospital to launch the Dudley Borough Interfaith Network (DBIN) ‘Made to be One’ campaign.

Image for Dudley Consultant given prestigious award
Dudley Consultant given prestigious award

17th December 2014 - Hot Topics

A Dudley Group Consultant Urologist has been given a prestigious award in recognition of his work with injured soldiers.

Image for CQC Report and rating published
CQC Report and rating published

3rd December 2014 - Hot Topics

Across all core services inspected, we have been rated Good for being caring and effective, and 30 out of 38 areas received a Good rating. We received an overall rating of Requires Improvement. However, Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Professor Sir Mike Richards, believes we are not far off achieving an overall Good rating.