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23rd June 2022 - Hot Topics
For #ArmedForcesWeek our clinical educator Keeley Williams shares her story about her career in the RAF and what it taught her.
22nd June 2022 - Hot Topics
As a person waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, we want to make sure you are supported. The NHS has launched the My Planned Care website which gives you help and advice while you wait.
6th June 2022 - Hot Topics
Alex Griffiths, 22, from Dudley, will be awarded a BEM in the Queen’s honours after being recognised for his dedication and commitment to helping COVID patients during the pandemic.
1st June 2022 - Hot Topics
One of our renal assistant technical officer's has won a national award after being nominated by one of her patients for going above and beyond in her role.
8th April 2022 - Hot Topics
The Committed to Excellence Awards 2022 finalists have now been announced! Committed to Excellence recognises individuals and teams who have made an outstanding contribution to their ward or department, and who have, in some way, helped to make a real difference to patients.