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13th May 2013 - For the Record
Heather Large from the Express and Star is writing a story about the positive Care Quality Commission report which states that patient meals at The Dudley Group are being revamped.
She would like some more information about what the Trust is doing to improve the experience of patients at our hospitals.
12th May 2013 - For the Record
A reporter from the Express and Star attended the inquest into the death of Owen Jeremy at which the coroner recorded a verdict of ‘natural causes’.
8th May 2013 - For the Record
A reporter from the Express and Star attended the Keogh Review patient and public listening forum at Russells Hall Hospital on 7th May 2013.
25th April 2013 - For the Record
The Express and Star would like a response on MP Ian Austin’s fears about high mortality indices at the Trust.
29th March 2013 - For the Record
The Express and Star have seen the Trust’s planning application for an outdoor gym and would like a comment.