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22nd July 2013 - For the Record
Over the past 10 days Mr Etheridge has been featured in the media using his previous position as a Governor to gain coverage. During his time as a Governor at the Trust his attendance at statutory Council meetings was sporadic and therefore he is unaware of much of the excellent work done by the Council of Governors. He resigned as Governor because he was opposed to the hospital parking charges and we respected his position on this. At no time did he raise issues of patient care with Trust management.
21st July 2013 - For the Record
The Sunday Times has looked at a Dr Foster Intelligence national survey about the number of doctors on duty at the weekend at hospital trusts in the country, specifically at 11am on Sunday June 17th 2013.
20th July 2013 - For the Record
Following the publication of the Keogh Review the Express and Star published the stories of patients who were unhappy with their experience of The Dudley Group.
18th July 2013 - For the Record
Following the publication of the Keogh Review, Halesowen News asked for clarification with regards to what mortality indicators mean and whether they can be associated with actual numbers of deaths.
18th July 2013 - For the Record
Bev Holder enquired about HSMR figures and what these figures mean with regards to number of deaths. The reporter quoted the following figures:
205 more deaths than expected in 2011
143 more deaths than expected in 2012