The Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU) includes a dedicated GP assessment and triage facility.
The EAU comprises of 36 assessment spaces, 13 of which are in the GP area, three rapid assessment cubicles, two triage rooms and a procedure room. A patient monitoring system can be accessed in every cubicle and they are linked to a central console on the staff base so patients can be monitored at all times.
Blood test and X-ray results can also be accessed at the patient’s beside thanks to wireless laptops. The GP area has an 8-bedded acute assessment bay with a glass observation window for patients who need more intensive assessment or treatment. In one of the bays the curtains have been replaced by partitions to improve patient privacy and dignity, and confidentiality.
The EAU is the first area in the Trust to install a Medi365 electronic drug administration system for staff using finger tip recognition. The clinicians punch in a security code, select the drugs they need and the drugs are dispensed. The machine automatically sends a message to pharmacy detailing the drugs dispensed so they can top up the system.
Ambulatory Emergency Care (AEC)
The Ambulatory Emergency Care Unit offers you same day care if you are an ambulatory patients with acute medical conditions. We provide senior led acute medicine assessment and have access to urgent diagnostics, thus avoiding unnecessary inpatient stay. GPs can make a referral by telephoning the AEC nurse. The current admission hours are 8:00 to 19:00, seven days a week. We also receive suitable patients from ED triage room – bypassing ED admission.
Conditions treated in AEC
All ambulatory patients presenting with acute medical conditions can be accepted by AEC. Patients who are critically ill are not reviewed in AEC, but referred to ED. Conditions we commonly manage in AEC are – chest pains with suspected ACS, suspected PE, suspected DVT, suspected infection which can be treated by outpatient antibiotics (oral or IV via OPAT services) , acute headache, deranged LFTs etc.
Visiting times
- 14.00-16.00
- 16.30-20.00