If you suspect your baby of having a tongue tie (sometimes known as frenulotomy or ankyloglossia), or if a tongue tie has been diagnosed by a health professional, a referral may be made to our midwife tongue tie practitioners. The referral must be made by completing the Tongue-tie_Referral_Form and forwarding by email to: dgft.tonguetie.assessment@nhs.net. On our receipt of this fully completed form, we will contact you by telephone within a week.
During the telephone call, we will assess the need for you to attend an appointment at the Tongue Tie clinic. Clinics are held three times a week and are located on the ground floor of Russells Hall Hospital in the Paediatric area of the Women and Children’s Outpatient Department. This is the first department on the left if you enter the hospital by the Maternity entrance.
If your baby was born at Russells Hall Hospital or you live in the Dudley borough, please contact the infant feeding team who will provide you with feeding support and assess your baby for tongue tie. The team can be contacted by calling 01384 456111 ext. 3887 or emailing dgft.spmwif@nhs.net.