I work as part of the Stroke pathway so with clients who have communication and/or swallow difficulties resulting from a stroke. I generally see people in their own home but have the opportunity to see people in clinic if appropriate.
I have worked in Dudley for 9 years. The reasons I have stayed have been:
- The stroke pathway has a strong mullti-disciplinary team where all members have an understanding of each other’s role and can be relied on for support and advice.
- Clients are given a good service with being able to be seen (by an assistant) 2-3 times a week for as long as they are benefitting from input and are actively working on goals.
- Clients have the opportunity to be seen on an individual basis or in groups depending on their needs.
- I am able to see clients in their own home and work on functional goals.
- As part of my role I work with the multi-disciplinary team and a skilled group of assistants in the NHS as well as groups from the voluntary sector, e.g. Dudley Stroke Association.
- Clients are actively encouraged to be involved in their rehab and in shaping the service. Their views are actively searched for.
- Managers listen to ideas re service developments and different ways of working.
- I am able to manage my own diary.
- On a practical level the location of the SHSCC is convenient as there is no significant traffic and the parking is free and easy.
- I am able to work 15 hours spread over 3 days so am able to do the school run each day.
- There is some flexible working allowed so I am able to swap days if there are activities at school so my work/life balance is excellent.