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News archive - 2017 March

Image for Norovirus? Treat it at home
Norovirus? Treat it at home

3rd March 2017 - Hot Topics

Health bosses in Dudley are urging those with norovirus – or the winter vomiting bug - to stay at home. Norovirus sounds much scarier than it is, and while the symptoms are unpleasant, they usually clear up after a couple of days.

Image for Bed blocking hits new high at hospital
Bed blocking hits new high at hospital

2nd March 2017 - For the Record

The Express & Star contacted the Trust in relation to March’s Board papers which state that DTOCs are at an ‘all time high’.

Image for Foreign patient bill tops £400k
Foreign patient bill tops £400k

1st March 2017 - For the Record

The Trust was contacted by the Dudley News after issuing a Freedom of Information response which included figures relating to overseas patients who are not eligible for free NHS care.