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26th January 2015 - For the Record
The Dudley Group's response to an enquiry from the Express and Star after a reporter found that we have paid an interim director, Jon Scott, £36k a month.
15th January 2015 - Press Releases and Statements
The Dudley Group is entering into a two phased redundancy plan to reduce 400 posts over the next two years across the organisation to save £14 million on our pay costs to help us achieve financial stability.
9th January 2015 - For the Record
The Dudley Group's response to an enquiry from News Team press agency following a claim made within The Telegraph that hospitals in the West Midlands are using volunteers and admin staff in clinical areas without DBS clearance.
9th January 2015 - For the Record
The Dudley Group's response to an Express and Star enquiry on the birth of a baby on the pavement outside Russells Hall Hospital.
8th January 2015 - For the Record
The Dudley Group's response to an Express and Star enquiry about the Trust's A&E performance over winter.