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26th February 2013 - For the Record
Dudley council is resurfacing Pensnett Road for four weeks from 18th March 2013.
13th February 2013 - Press Releases and Statements
One in eight of patients attending Russells Hall Emergency Department could be seen by their GP or pharmacy after research found that many attendees should not be there.
11th February 2013 - For the Record
On 6 February, in response to a request from the Prime Minister, Sir Bruce Keogh (the Medical Director) announced an investigation into hospitals that are persistent outliers on mortality indicators. Sir Bruce identified an initial list of five organisations that had been outliers for two years on the Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI), and said that he would announce further hospitals shortly.
11th February 2013 - For the Record
In light of the announcement the trust is to be investigated, can the Express and Star please have a comment from the Trust?